Pay less for your dog’s or cat’s food

One in two households has a cat or a dog. And having a pet is a small budget. Advice from Fanny Guinochet.

franceinfo: Are there solutions to reduce the bill?

Fanny Guinochet: Already, for food, 80 to 90% of food purchases for dogs and cats are made in supermarkets. For these products too, there are increases because manufacturers pass on the soaring prices of energy, transport, packaging, cereals as well which are used in the composition of food, on which there may be tensions supply.

The best as always is to compare the prices between the different brands. To play on promotions when there are any. Besides supermarkets, you can buy from pet stores, but it is often more expensive, or from veterinarians, even more expensive.

But there are also low cost solutions ?

Yes, there are several e-commerce sites that can deliver kibble stocks to you. We can mention Peterie discount,, but also,, you choose what best suits your animal and you are delivered.

Depending on the amount, delivery is free. On these sites, there is food but also several toys and accessories for pets.

The other thing that is also expensive is the care of our animals…

Yes, going to the vet regularly is a way to do prevention, to avoid your pet’s health concerns, but it comes at a cost. To pay less, you can have your animal examined in a veterinary school, count between 30 and 60 euros for a classic consultation.

Problem, there are not everywhere, Maisons-Alfort in the Paris region, Nantes, Lyon, Toulouse… etc. There are also dispensaries, via the SPA, the animal protection society, or the animal assistance foundation. You can do health checks, vaccination, sterilization. But as there are few, it is often reserved for the poorest people.

And what about animal health insurance?

It is a solution, you pay a contribution, and in exchange the care of your pet is supported. Fidanimo, Assuro’poil, SantéVet, large establishments like Crédit Mutuel, AG2R have entered this niche. It’s between 7 and 60 euros per month for the basic formula.

You have comparators to help you choose the best protection, but beware, there are also many exclusions, especially if your cat or dog is too old. And check well before you commit, on what is supported or not.

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