Paul Pogba responds to his haters via a video of him filmed by his wife!

After a knee injury, a scandal mixing witchcraft and family disputes and an aborted World Cup… The least we can say is that Paul Pogba had a more than complicated year 2022! Fortunately, this one ends on a good note! And for good reason, the footballer is surrounded by his family for the end of the year celebrations and not just anywhere since his wife Zulay and their two boys are currently in the very duped ski resort of Saint-Moritz, in Switzerland. .

A stay in the snow that Paul Pogba has also immortalized in photos before sharing these photos via his Instagram account… Publications that his haters were quick to comment: “Honestly, you piss us off! You are always somewhere! You have to recover first, what do you do on vacation? », « But he is not supposed to be injured », « Ok, so he can ski but not play football »can we read in particular.

Comments to which Paul Pogba finally decided to respond this Friday, December 30, 2022. Via a video filmed by his wife who can also be heard laughing, Paul Pogba filmed himself hovering on his skis . “Me skiing, for those wondering”, he wrote. A humorous video that his wife Zulay also commented on: “Poor, you can’t ski any other way”, she wrote. A great way to shut down your detractors!


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