Paul Pogba evokes the taboo of depression: ‘I knew it, but we don’t talk about it’

This is the kind of interview that we are not used to seeing from an athlete, but which allows to open the dialogue on mental illnesses. Adored by millions of fans, extremely popular on social networks and earning astronomical sums, footballers apparently lead a dream life, but all this does not protect against certain personal problems. Followed since his early years and quickly noticed for his style, his attitude and his talent on the pitch, Paul Pogba is now one of the most famous footballers on the planet.

A true pillar of the France team with whom he won the World Cup in 2018, the 29-year-old midfielder decided to give an interview to Le Figaro in which he looks back on the more complicated periods of his life, and when the journalist asks him if he has ever known the Depressionthe answer is clear: “Completely, and several times in my career. I knew her, but we don’t talk about her. Sometimes you don’t know you’re depressed, you just want to isolate yourself, be alone, these are unmistakable signs”.

You ask yourself questions, you wonder if you’re at fault, because you’ve never experienced these moments in your life

For Antoine Griezmann’s great pal, the problems started a few years ago because of a coach known for his very harsh methods. “Personally, it started when I was with José Mourinho in Manchester (2016-2017). You ask yourself questions, you wonder if you are at fault, because you have never experienced these moments in your life”, he recalls. Fortunately, Paul Pogba can count on his loved ones, his wife Zulay and his two boys, Shakur (3 years old) and Keyaan Zaahid (born in January 2021) in these difficult times. “I refocus on my family, my friends (…) My shrink can be my best friend, my wife or my son. me”he says.

Another grievance often heard by Paul Pogba, the fact that money guarantees happiness, a cliché he wants to put an end to. “We earn a lot of money and we don’t complain, really, but that doesn’t prevent us from going through moments, like everyone else in life, more difficult than others. Because you make money, you always have to be happy? It’s not like that, life”concludes the footballer.

Find Paul Pogba’s interview in full on the Figaro website.

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