Paul Pogba celebrates the end of Ramadan with Zulay despite his difficult mourning

It is a contrasting period that lives Paul Pogba right now. The world champion had the pain of losing a loved one, but yesterday he was able to find a little smile and happiness in the company of his wife Zulay. The 29-year-old star is having a very mixed season with his Manchester club, where he rubs shoulders with Cristiano Ronaldo and Raphaël Varane. Currently injured, he should in all likelihood leave England within a few months, but in the meantime, he is taking advantage of this forced rest to spend time with his family.

Father of two children, whose anonymity he wishes to preserve, Paul Pogba is a very caring husband for his sublime wife Zulay. The Bolivian was also treated to a very nice party for her 28th birthday last year and the footballer has once again decided to put the dishes in the big ones for an important event, the party which celebrates the end of Ramadan. . As he shared on his Instagram account with his 53 million subscribers, the Frenchman had planned a very nice evening with his wife. “Eid Mubarak to all my brothers and sisters”he wrote in the comments of his photo.

On the picture, we can see Paul Pogba all smiles, thumbs up, next to Zulay who seems to be laughing, proof that the evening was good in Manchester last night! Both dressed in traditional outfitsthey chose a theme around blue This year. A publication appreciated by his great friend Antoine Griezmann who sent him two heart emojis. Zulay also posted several photos of the event where we can see her in her sublime outfit and we can see that the Pogba family had pulled out all the stops for the occasion.

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