Paul Pogba at war with his brother Mathias: big decision to bring out the truth

An incredible story broke out on August 29 and it affects one of the biggest stars of French football. Paul Pogba accuses his brother Mathias of extortion since the publication of a video of his eldest who promises to ruin the reputation of the footballer. Friday, September 2, as indicated by AFP, an investigation was entrusted to two investigating judges.

The public prosecutor indicated that the Paris prosecutor’s office had opened an investigation. In a statement, she said:On August 3, 2022, following a complaint filed on July 16, 2022 by Mr. Paul Pogba with the Turin public prosecutor’s office, the Paris public prosecutor’s office opened an investigation into the heads of extortion in an organized gang, attempted extortion in organized gang and participation in a criminal association with a view to committing a crime, relating to various facts of which Mr. Pogba was allegedly the victim between March and July 2022.“Facts which, according to RMC Sport, took place precisely on the night of March 20 to 21, a few hours before a gathering of the France team in Clairefontaine. Two armed individuals claimed 13 million euros from him. instruction of the Paris court have in any case been appointed to carry out the investigations.

A mind-blowing affair

This affair, which does little to help Paul Pogba’s business two and a half months before the World Cup in Qatar, began when an enigmatic video of Mathias Pogba was published on social networks. In it, he threatened to make startling revelations about Paul. The main interested party, he says that we are trying to extort him and that he has been asked for the sum of 13 million euros, and that one of his relatives would have withdrawn 200,000 euros with his credit card. According to information from France Info confirmed to AFP by a source familiar with the matter, Paul Pogba told investigators that he had “in particular was trapped by childhood friends and two hooded men armed with assault rifles”, accusing him of not having helped them financially. Among the suspects, he claims to have recognized his brother Mathias.

And as incredible as it may seem, Kylian Mbappé appears in the case despite himself. Paul Pogba explained to investigators that “his blackmailers wanted to discredit him by broadcasting messages in which he allegedly asked a marabout from his family circle to cast a spell” to the PSG striker, which he denies. During the preliminary investigation which was opened on August 3 last into the head of extortion in an organized gang and attempt, the investigations of which were entrusted to the Central Office the fight against organized crime (Oclo), the mother of the two brothers was interviewed.The latter, Yeo Moriba, would have confirmed Paul’s statements.

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