Pau FC in Toulouse, to find the carburation of the start of the season!

Because without insulting anyone, the Ruthenians did not present their typical team at Nouste Camp, deprived of ten players (including seven Covid cases), that they were. On the other hand, the score says more than the simple addition of Pau achievements. Indeed, this is the first time this season that the FC Pau passes the bar of two goals scored in the league, to display a 4 to 0, which leaves no one indifferent. It has been said over and over again, this attractive team, with good football, had a big pebble in the slipper: inefficiency! And Didier Tholot, a former professional striker, to make his guys work for weeks to achieve a result. From this side, it seems that, the Pau coach is reaping the fruits of a long labor.

Because if Rodez was playing with second knives, the fact remains that the Aveyronnais did not present themselves either, as expiatory victims. In other words, to dominate is one thing, to have chances, something else again, and to put your last in the bottom, the result of a sum of small details, such as that of… efficiency.
Especially, and this was the novelty of the year nine, at the Nouste Camp, that what we were sworn to the day before, as set in stone, the game scheme has been shattered! Tholot left aside 4-2-1-3 in favor of a 5-2-1-2, more impactful than ever. This obvious sign of maturity allowed the group to put the turbo, to make forget the 3 defeats of December. It remains to find the right carburation, to avoid jolts and especially engine failure. For road trips, we’ll see. Technical control of Pau FC, this Saturday, January 15, at the Stadium, against Toulouse.

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