“Patrick was a bit heavy with girls”

In the Monday, November 8, 2021 edition of “Liberation”, eight women accuse TV host Patrick Poivre d’Arvor of facts that could be qualified as “rape”, “sexual assault” or “harassment”. In the program “Culture Médias”, presented by Philippe Vandel on Europe 1, Jean-Pierre Pernaut was invited to react to these accusations. The former colleague of Patrick Poivre d’Arvor said he was “very shocked” before making these revelations: “I was very shocked by what came out in the press, it is lamentable that this kind of affair so in the press! (…) Yes, he was someone who loved women and who never hid his love for women. He was a flirt, he liked to chat with them. (…) His office was in the middle of the drafting, if there had been reprehensible things, we would have known ”.

“If bad things had happened, we would have known”

Nathalie Marquay’s husband then replied in the negative to this question asked by Philippe Vandel: “Has your opinion of him changed? [après la publication de Libération, NDLR] ? “.” I have shared my professional life with PPDA for 20 years and have never heard of these things. I did not defend PPDA, I was asked what I thought of these stories of complaints, I do not know. Me my work next to him, I have never heard of this kind of thing “, recalled Jean-Pierre Pernaut. On the other hand, the former star of the JT of TF1 assured that PPDA was” a little heavy with the girls. “” They talked about it in the evening laughing, that’s the only thing I can attest to, that’s what I saw “, assured Lou and Tom’s dad. Regarding the testimonies of women who said they were afraid to take the elevator with Patrick Poivre d’Arvor, Jean-Pierre Pernaut said: “He never used the elevator, he went on foot. So it was not him, but a politician “.


See also: Jean-Pierre Pernaut unveils Emmanuel Macron’s salary

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