Patrick Vieira denounces the lack of diversity in the highest instances of world football

Crystal Palace coach and former French international Patrick Vieira called on Friday for more diversity within the governing spheres of international football.

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In an interview for the American media CNN, Patrick Vieira regretted, Friday, October 14, the lack of people from minorities in management positions in world football. For the Crystal Palace coach, who is currently the only black coach in the Premier League and only the tenth since 1992, the visible diversity on the pitch must also be felt in the higher authorities.

“When we go to football games we see this diversity, I would like to see the same level of diversity higherexplained the former midfielder. We talk about our federations, we don’t just talk about black people, but also about women. We want to be judged on our quality.”

If he recognizes that there have been improvements in recent years, Patrick Vieira believes that the action is too slow. Things are changing, but too slowly. The question is whether they [les membres des instances] really want to make these changes.”

“We live in a society where the door is kept closed because of the color of your skin, or because of your religion, or because you are a woman. We don’t get the opportunity we deserve.”

Patrick Vieira, 1998 world champion and current Crystal Palace coach

at CNN

The world champion is however aware that his presence on the bench favors an improvement in the current situation. “I want to give hope by showing people that you can be successful if you put your mind to it.” It must be said that the former Nice coach played for one of the most diverse French teams in history in 1998. It’s up to the leaders to hear the message.

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