Patrick Sébastien: This ex-wife, Sylvie, with whom he had a son and who tried to ruin his life

Patrick Sébastien is a ladies’ man and he has never hidden it! Even recently, he revealed that he had been unfaithful to his wife Nana, from whom he separated, almost throughout their relationship. And setbacks in love, the host has had his share. This, from a very young age. It was at 16 that he married for the first time, with Martine with whom he had his eldest Sébastien (tragically died in 1990 at 19). After his divorce, he married Sylviawith whom he had a second son, born in , Olivier Boutot. And this second wife caused him a lot of trouble.

Indeed, more than twenty years after their separation in 1987, Sylvie assured in an interview that Patrick Sébastien had been violent towards him during their relationship. “Even in front of our son“, she said. Serious accusations to which the former figure of France 2 had reacted strongly to TV Star in 2010. And he categorically denied having ever raised his hand on her. According to him, these statements would be the result of extreme jealousy vis-à-vis Olivier. “I don’t know why this woman I haven’t had contact with for twenty-five years did this. Although I have a small idea about it. The fact that my son is doing TV with me (they hosted the show The attic this summer on France 2, editor’s note) and that, suddenly, she is no longer in the photos with us“, he analyzed. Patrick Sébastien then announced his intention to sue his ex for defamation.

A huge wound

For his part, Olivier had also spoken for the newspaper Paris here. He was then defending his father. “I never saw Patrick hit my mother, but never. (…) For me, my mother no longer exists, she gave birth to me, period“, he let go with firmness. And for him to recall that he had never been close to his mother Sylvie: “It’s a huge injury for my father and myself. (…) When my parents separated, I lived with my father. A few months ago, I wanted to reconnect with my mother and my little brother, which she had with her new husband, but (…) it turned into a real fury. (…) I then decided to make a final cross on it“.

Patrick Sébastien also had two other children: Benjamin born in 1991 from his union with Fanfan and Lily, adopted in 2007 with Nana.

Find the host on C8 this Friday evening in The biggest cabaret in the world, the show from 9:10 p.m.

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