Patrick Sébastien: Rare appearance of his wife Nathalie, with Caroline Barclay

The artist Isabelle Bartoli took over the walls of the Galerie de l’Exil, in the chic 16th arrondissement of the capital, to present her exhibition entitled Blurring is an invitation to curiosity. A vernissage was held there on Thursday March 24 and she was able to count on the presence of several personalities.

Alongside the artist, for example, we were able to see Nathalie Boutot, the wife of host Patrick Sébastien; they have been married since 1998 but as a couple since 1992. The latter, who shares her life with the former star of France 2 recently rewarded with a much smaller check than what he claimed from his ex-employer, is generally quite discreet. If she is not the type to run social events, she was however delighted to be there for this cultural outing… in good company! Indeed, if her husband had not made the trip, she had however come with their daughter Lily. An even more discreet teenager, of Polynesian origin, adopted by the couple in 2007.

During this opening, it was also necessary to count on the presence of Karin Rénier, the widow of the actor Yves Rénier, Laurence Adjadj or even Caroline Barclay, Daniel Hechter, Cécile Angeli, Laurence Adjadj…

On her official website, Isabelle Bartoli describes what pushed her to become an artist, a passion discovered in childhood. “From an early age, artistic creation imposed itself on me as a means of expression to translate and transpose emotions, sensations and images. At six and a half years old, my cardiologist father of Corsican origin, died suddenly, he left me this invisible and inexplicable force that I built with my drawings and later the pencil became my tool to create, write and transmit.“, she writes. The general public is invited to discover her works.

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