Patrick Sébastien operated on for cancer

Known for his legendary good humor, Patrick Sébastien publishes at 68, a new book entitled “Live and be reborn every day” which will be released on September 29. The one who has always been very honest with his fans confides in this book, on the last storms of his life starting with his separation from his wife Nana. The facilitator also discusses his relationship with his children and his relationship to death.

On the occasion of the release of this book, Patrick Sébastien confided in the columns of Gala and reveals that he recently fought against the disease: “In terms of health, it was a beautiful tsunami that fell on me” he declares before admitting to having had kidney cancer at the start of 2022. Quickly, the former presenter of the Plus Grand Cabaret du monde reassures: “Today everything is fine” he launches before ironizing on the fact that he “took belly” because his “abs were cut for the operation”.

The 68-year-old host then explains that he hastened to get back on stage, only two months after his stay in the hospital. Asked about his relationship to death and the question of assisted suicide which recently made headlines again, Patrick Sébastien reveals that he has already broached the subject with his family: “My granddaughter Marie told me that if I did such a thing [passer à l’acte]it would be abominable, but that she would respect my decision from the moment it is my choice” he declares.

If the former star of France 2 admits having thought of the worst, he subsequently decided to put everything into perspective: “I wanted to tell people that you shouldn’t feel sorry for yourself and that all these events are not the end of something, but the beginning of something else, as my mother taught me. mother” he says in particular in his book.


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