Patrick Sébastien in mourning: new blow for the host after the loss of a loved one

It’s a new blow for Patrick Sebastien who definitely brings bad news. During a an interview for Galahe confided that at the beginning of the year, he suffered in secret from kidney cancer. In terms of health, it’s a beautiful tsunami that fell on me“, he confessed. This ordeal had forced the former presenter of Biggest Cabaret in the world to be hospitalized for an operation. “Today everything is fine“, he reassured, even if he has”taken from the belly because [ses] abs were cut for the operation“.

Patrick Sebastien was already facing the disease in 2010. At the time, it was skin cancer that put him in danger. Fortunately, the facilitator had been taken care of very quickly. A doctor’s look at one of my moles saved my life. He told me to go and have it analyzed. It was skin cancer which luckily hadn’t metastasized yet.“, he revealed to TV Magazine.

The ex-figure of France 2 must also currently deal with his breakup with his wife Nana, after 30 years of love. For years, we had different lives. She wanted to have more freedom. It doesn’t change much, except that we don’t live together anymore“, he explained to our colleagues, specifying that there was however no question of divorce.

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