Patrick Sébastien: His childhood, his “bastardy”, his career and France 2 … Confidences for Bernard Montiel!

It is a highly anticipated program: this Thursday, May 19, Bernard Montiel has made an appointment with Patrick Sébastien on Olympia TV for a truth interview. The former presenter Video Gagwho very often officiates as a columnist for Do not touch My TV now, is indeed at the head of a real show every week on this Web TV, broadcast on Canal +.

And the one who had been dismissed from the C8 show by Cyril Hanouna for his too close proximity to the Macron couple receives prestigious guests there to make them talk about their lives, their careers and their news. This week, Patrick Sébastien lent himself to the game. Awaiting the results of his trial against France 2, the former host of Biggest Cabaret in the World gave him some crisp anecdotes about his career, of course, but also about his life in general.

It must be said that his youth could have been the subject of a film! Married at 16 and dad the following year, the singer of the tube Sardines then unfortunately lost his son Sébastien when he was 19 years old and was going to be a father. A drama that marked him despite the birth of Benjamin, in 1991, then the adoption of Lily, in 2007.

But another tragedy marked his life for a long time: his unknown father, who earned him a lot of ridicule, and a very deep trauma. “Married at 16, dad at 17, bastard… The recognition that I didn’t have, I found it in the eyes of the public, it’s true. But my bastardy still sticks to my skin. When I got kicked off TV, if I reacted that badly, it sent me back to that. To the fatherless child who gets thrown out and no one wants to play with. It follows me all the time, but I’ve learned to deal with it“, he recently explained to the magazine Here.

Today, the host is impatiently awaiting the results of his trial against France 2, which he accuses of having fired him for no reason … and no longer really intends to do TV, simply taking advantage of his teenage daughter and his wife Nana, with whom he will celebrate 30 years of marriage this year.

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