Patrick Sébastien admits having “put the pillow” on his mother to help her die

“My mother, who was an extremely lively woman, dragged herself for four years, from hospital to hospital. She always told me: ‘Don’t let me suffer'”. These words, Patrick Sébastien probably pronounced them with great emotion when he confided in Gala in an interview published this Thursday, September 22. An interview in which he returned to the day he had wanted to help his mother die, exhausted to see her suffering.

“I couldn’t take it anymore to see her like this, and I wanted to help her leave with a pillow. I didn’t have the strength to go all the way, but I made the gesture”he admits to our colleagues before giving the details of his famous gesture and acknowledging that he had been unable to go to the end: “I put thepillow, I lasted twenty seconds. It’s terrible because he’s the person I loved the most in the world. It’s more than an act of love. Today, looking back, I don’t know if I’m more angry with myself for putting the pillow down than for not having left it until the end”.

Life did not spare him

But if Patrick Sébastien gave a long interview to Galait is also to talk about his new work entitled “Live and be reborn every day” which will be released on September 29. A book in which he looks back on his separation from his wife Nana, as well as his relationship with his children and his relationship to death.

The opportunity for him to announce that he had fought the disease a few months ago. “In terms of health, it was a beautiful tsunami that fell on me”, he says after having had kidney cancer at the start of 2022. However, the host wanted to reassure everyone: “Today everything is fine”, does he make sure he has “taken from the stomach” after his “abs were cut for the operation”.

See also: “A beautiful tsunami that fell on me”: Patrick Sébastien operated on for cancer


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