Patrick Roy fulfills several conditions, but nothing is certain

In light of the criteria set out by Jeff Gorton for the appointment of its CEO, Patrick Roy would fulfill each of them. But will the nomination of the Quebecer be considered?

• Read also: Jeff Gorton in search of his complement

Very smart whoever dares to predict the identity of the future lucky winner since Gorton did not reveal his intentions on Friday.

Canadiens owner Geoff Molson and his new vice-president of hockey operations could surprise or name the obvious.

That’s why the idea of ​​dismissing the most popular choices too quickly might be as nasty a trick as jumping on ice with blade guards!

According to the six criteria listed by colleague Jonathan Bernier, we can put a check mark on four of them in Roy’s case. Molson had insisted on a fifth during his conference on Monday: that of diversity.

Strong luggage

But even though Roy doesn’t have any experience as a general manager in the NHL, Gorton couldn’t rule him out.

However, he has held this position in the junior ranks with the Quebec Remparts since the 2003-2004 season, with the exception of his three campaigns behind the Colorado Avalanche bench between 2013 and 2016.

Gorton said he wanted to have someone with a good knowledge of both the game and the business side.

With his four Stanley Cups, his 1,276 games played in the NHL, his three seasons in Colorado and his 13 years at the helm of the Remparts, Roy has a solid background.

Passionate and spirited, he would bring what Gorton is looking for: ideas for rebuilding the club.

The vice-president was not hesitant about this candidacy. But he did not want to dwell on the subject since he must conduct a complete assessment of its workforce.

“I’ve heard of Roy,” he joked in response to a question from our columnist Marc de Foy. I have a lot of respect for what he has done in his career. He’s an emotional guy who speaks candidly. I must proceed and I do not want to exclude any application. We will look at those that can adjust to our structure. ”

Gorton will not make the decision to appoint the new CEO on his own. He will take it together with Molson.

It remains to be seen whether the owner and president will write it down to his list.


In the vagueness of the new organization chart of the CH, Gorton also tried to calm things down on the powers that will be granted to the DG. He should be able to have a direct line to the owner.

“I want to nominate someone who has something to say and to bring to the table. The CEO will talk with his peers while doing his job. He will have powers and will be able to make pacts. I am here to help him and to put my experience to work. “

That’s the talk for now. It remains to be seen whether it will still be the same in a few months when the time comes to make the big decisions in the organization.

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