Patrick Pouyanné, boss of TotalEnergies, should receive more than ten million euros in compensation

The general meeting of TotalEnergies takes place on Friday 26 May. Thanks to the explosion in gas and oil prices, the group recorded record profits last year, nearly 20 billion euros. In fact, the remuneration of Patrick Pouyanné promises to be, once again, debate.

Wednesday, May 25 in a magazine interview Challenges, the person concerned acknowledges that his remuneration could exceed ten million euros this year. He explains: it’s a very high salary but significantly less than that of other bosses in France – he does not mention names, but for example Carlos Tavares, the CEO of Stellantis pocketed more than double, 20 million euros. Patrick Pouyanné also points out that the main thing is not the fixed salary, but is indexed to the performance of the group and can therefore vary according to the courses Finally, he also ensures and says that these superprofits have been largely shared with the employees ; in France they had a 7.5% increase, not to mention that many have TotalEnergie shares and therefore pocketed dividends.

TotalEnergie is also accused of not paying enough taxes, but like many groups in the CAC, the firm believes that it contributes significantly to the national effort. While 90% of its turnover is made abroad, TotalEnergie has paid nearly 300 million euros in taxes in France. Add taxes and dues.

A tense GA

The general assembly is likely to be agitated in particular by environmental activists. For a long time, TotalEnergie has been the symbol of the polluting company, but activists have their sights set on TotalEnergie’s oil megaproject in Uganda. An oil pipeline of more than 1,400 km that will cross natural areas, will displace populations, a real climate bomb that undermines the rights of populations.

Once is not custom, in Challenges, Patrick Pouyanné makes a mea culpa and he defends himself by saying that the group has reviewed its copy. If it is not TotalEnergie which exploits this oil, in any case, others will do it, Chinese less careful of the environment. TotalEnergie makes huge investments in photovoltaics, renewables, etc. Not sure that these arguments are sufficient. At La Défense, the General Assembly will be held under close surveillance.

source site-21