This indictment follows a complaint from journalist Florence Porcel, who accuses the former presenter of TF1’s “8 p.m.” of having forced oral sex on her in 2009.
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Patrick Poivre d’Arvor was indicted for rape on Monday December 18, as part of the judicial investigation opened after a complaint from journalist Florence Porcel, declared the Nanterre public prosecutor’s office and PPDA lawyers on Tuesday. This indictment relates to facts that occurred in 2009. Florence Porcel accuses the former TF1 presenter of having imposed fellatio on her.
Patrick Poivre d’Arvor was also placed under the status of assisted witness for another act of rape of which Florence Porcel accused him, which occurred in 2004. A first complaint from the journalist and author was dismissed in June 2021, mainly because the facts denounced were prescribed. At the same time, she filed a new complaint with the constitution of a civil party, to obtain the opening of a new investigation entrusted to investigating judges.
Accused by around twenty women
The former presenter was not placed under judicial supervision, specifies the prosecution. “Mr Poivre d’Arvor firmly contests the facts alleged by Madame Porcel as he has done since the first day and has produced numerous material elements contradicting them”declared PPDA lawyers, Jacqueline Laffont and Julie Benedetti in a press release.
This is the first indictment targeting the former star presenter of TF1, accused by around twenty women of rape or sexual assault. The 76-year-old man is the subject of a preliminary investigation opened in December 2021 in which 22 women were interviewed and in which he has already been questioned by investigators from the Brigade for the Repression of Delinquency Against the Person.