Patrick Poivre d’Arvor has become an outcast: his contracts canceled, no one wants to publish “his truth”…

Since February 2021 and the first complaint filed by Florence Porcel against Patrick Poivre d’Arvor, the ex-journalist and presenter of the JT of TF1 is in dirty sheets. It must be said that twenty-seven women have publicly denounced acts of rape, sexual assault and harassment against him. So PPDA avoids showing off too much, making rare appearances. Professionally, he seems now definitely sidelined.

As the magazine reports Paris Match which publishes a report taking stock of the current life of Patrick Poivre d’Arvor (74 years old) – the latter has found love in discretion – it is clear that his cash flow is increasingly limited. His contracts, for which he lends his image, are canceled one after the other. “Those who say they are victims of Pepper, for most prescribed facts, congratulate themselves. They are hardly foreign to certain list exits (…) Armed with their telephones, they contact several programmers in order to encourage them to give up hosting Poivre“, relates the magazine which underlines a “method that pays off“. Indeed, it has been dismissed from a cruise on the romantic Rhine and was ejected from the Nantes Atlantique Business Club – and replaced by Jean-Michel Apathie – but received his full fee because under contract and although “very unhappy” to have been fired from the poster. In addition, all the literary prizes of which he was a member want to exclude him or blacklist

Patrick Poivre d’Arvor, described as a stingy “capable of a scandal“when it comes to paying anything and who”grabs everything he can as long as it’s free“, had become accustomed for some years to “socialize“and to lend his image to events, showing himself”little looking“As long as there is a check at stake. It must be said that his past success on the small screen is only a distant memory, all his programs after his departure from TF1 having been failures … He still had then the books, he who signed about 80 works but, there again, the success was tarnished. The Ambitious (published in 2020), only sold 2,500 copies. While he “makes the rounds of the major publishers“in order to deliver”its truth“in writing, all”turn a deaf ear” and no one seems to want to publish it! Alone “a modest house would have engaged in discussions“, counting on the buzz to sell a few copies…

PPDA remains presumed innocent of the charges until the final judgment of this case.

Paris Matchedition of April 7, 2022.

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