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“When you have speeches from certain leaders of the ARS saying that access to emergency care must be prevented and limited, it is not understandable”, the doctor is annoyed.
The shortage of caregivers affecting the public hospital is forcing many emergency services to close, such as in Bordeaux (Gironde), where patients could not be received after 5 p.m., Thursday May 26, except in a life-threatening emergency. On franceinfo, Patrick Pelloux, president of the Association of hospital emergency physicians of France, assured that we are “in a state of major crisis”.
“There is a breakdown in access to care”, he explained. “When you have speeches from certain leaders of the ARS saying that we must prevent and limit access to emergency care, it is not understandable”continued Patrick Pelloux, very annoyed.
“Usually you [les médias] come and see us in August to talk about the hospital crisis. Here we are in May. Which means that in August it’s going to be catastrophic because you have to give the staff their holidays”warns the paramedic.