Patrick Mignola, spokesperson for the MoDem, hopes for “the greatest possible consensus”

Emmanuel Macron wants to relaunch his pension reform, even if it means going through Parliament in force. The Head of State confirmed on Monday his wish to see the first measures come into force in the summer of 2023.

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“Do we need a pension reform? Yes. How should it be done? By reaching the greatest possible consensus”, hammered Tuesday, September 13 on franceinfo Patrick Mignola, vice-president and spokesperson for the MoDem. The Head of State confirmed on Monday his wish to see the first measures of a pension reform come into force in the summer of 2023, even if it means passing in force in Parliament, which is already electrifying the deputies before their return to school.

>> Pensions: the avenues of reform that Emmanuel Macron wants to relaunch quickly

Patrick Mignola insists on the need for such a reform in France: “We need pension reform with a simple consequence: we are all living a little longer and therefore we could all be working a little longer.”

On the hypothesis of a reform integrated into the Social Security budget, Patrick Mignola calls for caution and fears that this will be interpreted as a forced passage: “You should be careful”explained spokesperson for the Modem. “This is the reality. We are facing a reality. The first thing is that we must already serve the pensions. Imagine that in three or four years we can no longer pay the pensions? Nobody wants it”he concluded.

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