Patrick Dewaere: Why did his daughter Lola cut ties with her family?

This Friday, March 11, on France 3, is rebroadcast the TV movie Crime in the Hérault in prime time. A TV movieEric Duret featuring Lola Dewaer, Florence Pernel and Guillaume Cramoisan. The film tells the story of an investigation into the murder of a nightclub owner in the south of France. Its first broadcast in 2019 brought together 6.9 million people on the third channel.

Viewers will therefore be able to see actress Lola Dewaere, daughter of cult 1970s actor Patrick Dewaere, who committed suicide in the early 1980s. his father’s family. Indeed, the actress quickly lost the bond that united her to her paternal family since she was only 3 years old when her father died in 1982. During an interview granted to Paris here in 2014, she then confided: “They are special people. I cut ties with them. I did not go to the funeral of my grandmother Mado Maurin, who died last December.” A distance which did not prevent the actress from finding her way in the world of cinema and television, in particular in the role of Caroline Martinez in the series of Crime… as well as in the TF1 mini-series fear on the lake.

In the intimacy, the beauty has found happiness in the company of Pierre-Edouard Bellanca. The couple announced that they had settled in December 2021.Just Pacsed! The party…..when everything will be better!” could we read on the Instagram account of the 42-year-old actress.

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