Patrick Chesnais unfaithful to Josiane: “I even gave birth to others”

Patrick Chesnais and Josiane Stoléru have been in a relationship for over forty years. And to keep the flame alive, the great 74-year-old actor has a secret…a little special that may not suit everyone. A situation that he has never hidden.

It was in 1977 that the eyes of Patrick Chesnais and Josiane Stoléru met for the first time. At the time, he was 30 years old and already had a great career to his credit, especially in the theater, his great love. It is thanks to this passion that he also met another great love: his wife, with whom he married in 2016 and who was 28 years old when they met. Both gave the cue in the room laughable loves, of Milan Kundera and ended up strongly getting closer.

From their love was born Emilie in 1984 and like her parents, she became an actress (The heart of men 1,2 and 3 or La Twig). Although he loves Josiane Stoléru, Patrick Chesnais can’t help but stare at other women. And he followed the philosophy of Oscar Wilde who wrote: “The best way to resist temptation is to give in to it.“. He indeed had several affairs, while remaining with the woman who shared his daily life. “I’ve been with the same woman all these years because I have mistresses all the time. (…) I left, came back, I went to live elsewhere, I even gave birth to others. What dies in a couple after several years, there’s no denying it, is physical desire. Especially when we live together, emptying the bins after a while, it kills everything!“, he explained to Women’s issues in 2009 !

Patrick Chesnais indeed had a child with the actress Coralie Seyrig, named Ferdinand (born in 1986). But 20 years later, he had to face his death, following a road accident. A painful event that he evoked in the book He is where Ferdinand, diary of an orphan father. He became a father for the third time in 2013 to another boy called Victor, born of his affair with Odile Roire.

Despite all these infidelities, Josiane Stoléru remained by his side. And, at home, Patrick Chesnais is a true gentleman. “I help, I set the table, I clear (…) I have my reserved domain: buying wines, shopping“, he confided to Paris Match. He knows that the real woman of his life is her. It is for this reason that he married her after thirty-nine years of living together. “It would be foolish to give up an exceptional woman“, he specified to our colleagues. And, with his legendary frankness, he did not hide that he always needed “to accumulate adventures and encounters“.

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