Patrick Bruel: This “extraordinary agreement” he has with his ex-wife, mother of his two sons

Between Patrick Bruel and the author Amanda Sthers, the love seems to have managed to continue after their separation. An agreement that he mentioned as rarely. They met in 2001 and married in 2004, before divorcing in 2007, they gave birth to two children, Oscar (August 19, 2003) and Léon (September 28, 2005). Since then, his ex-wife lives on the other side of the Atlantic, in the United States, with their boys. The singer confided in particular on this move in the pages of Gala, interview to be found on newsstands this Thursday, November 17.

“When the question of leaving for the United States came up, it was a collective decision. I spent a lot of time there and I still spend a lot of time there”he explained, he who now lives between America and France in order to see his children as much as possible, who have grown up well since the divorce of their parents. “Oscar is in his third year of medicine at university in the United States. Léon is in his final year”said the 63-year-old artist, before adding that his two sons are passionate about his profession, namely music.

We get on very well

“She (the music) is very present in their lives: they play the guitar, they sing… It wasn’t that obvious!”, he said. It remains to be seen whether they will one day make it their job, like their father. It should be noted that, during this interview, the interpreter of Square of great men also spoke about his current relationship with the mother of his children. “With their mother, there was always an extraordinary understanding, the desire for a common education. There is not a single time when a big decision has not been made without the two of us consulting each other, I am very present at their side”, he indicated.

An opinion shared by Amanda Sthers a few months ago. “We have an extraordinary relationship, we get along very well. I would say like brother and sister. It started from a reaction of intelligence, compared to our children”, she declared. A healthy relationship, therefore, for the good of their two sons, Oscar and Léon.

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