Patrick Bruel changed by notoriety? Michèle Bernier testifies!

She triumphs every evening at the Théâtre des Variétés in the play signed by her acolyte of the “Big heads” Laurent Ruquier. After “I prefer that we stay friends”, with Frédéric Diefenthal, and her huge success, Michèle Bernier is now alongside Olivier Sitruk in “I prefer that we stay together”. We find Claudine and Valentin there, former friends and roommates who had ended up becoming a real couple… But the years passed and routine set in. Claudine is faithful. Valentin will “see” elsewhere. She wants to leave. He prefers that they “stay together”. Professor Choron’s daughter deploys all her stage talents there and does not hesitate to push the song, against a backdrop of humor that is always chiseled and often sharp.

“I think he makes some pretty smart choices”

Invited to the microphone of Sophie Davant on M Radio this Saturday, October 22 in “Delighted to meet you”, the program of the sparkling blonde, to discuss her new piece, Michèle Bernier wanted to talk about an artist she greatly esteems. … Patrick Bruel. About him she confides without being pushed to speak: Bruel is someone I like. He is an actor and a singer, which is quite rare here in France, he was able to take his place. I think he makes some pretty smart choices. And him, frankly, the star we know, I met him almost when he started out and he hasn’t changed anything! We see each other maybe twice a year and he’s always the same. ” she says in front of a Sophie Davant who can’t help but ask her “Ah yes, because there are a lot of things that change…” “Hey yes”, replies the actress, amused, with a nod. . But Michèle Bernier could have added that the 63-year-old artist has many other strings to his bow, since we also know him as a poker player or even an olive oil producer! The father of Léon and Oscar has, over the past two years, multiplied the concerts throughout France, catching up with the lost time of the Covid which had closed the performance halls, accompanied by his latest album “Ce soir on sort”… And , good news for fans, his new album “Encore une fois” is scheduled for Friday, November 18. A schedule at top speed that he has known since his debut, between scenes and filming, and which surely means that he remains the same according to his friends.

France Live

See also:

Daval case in fiction for TF1: why Michèle Bernier refused to meet Alexia’s mother!

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