Patrick Bruel boosted: the singer mobilized for an important private concert

This October 29, many of them came to the dinner of the 35th gala beat cancer for the benefit of the fight against cancer at the Cercle de l’Union Interalliée in Paris. And everyone had the chance to attend an exceptional private concert given by Patrick Bruel. The 63-year-old artist, father of two sons, fruit of his love with his former wife Amanda Sthers, – Léon, 17, and the eldest Oscar Bruel, 19 – was very energetic on the stage, for the everyone’s greatest pleasure. He gave voice by covering his greatest hits, for this precious occasion. In his black outfit the actor had opted for a pair of Nike Jordan. Any advice from his sons?

More than 90,000 cancers could not be diagnosed in 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Without this collateral damage, cancer remains the leading cause of premature death in France. Faced with this observation, it is urgent not to relax efforts in research against cancer at the risk of erasing a significant part of the progress made in recent years, which would have the consequence of impacting patients. And this gala beat cancer supports this fight every year, tirelessly. Patrick Bruel was not the only one present, since other personalities did not fail to make the trip.

A conquered audience

The singer notably made dance the room Illinois de Vanssay, Mareva de Vanssay, Laurent Dassault and Océanie de Vanssay. Also present were the Minister of Higher Education and Research, Sylvie Retailleau, Lynda Aggoune, Kareen Hechter Lazar and her husband Olivier Lazar. Something to delight Michel Oks, Chairman of the Board of Directors of “Vaincre le cancer”, who presented the evening. He was surrounded by his wife Judith but also by their son Daniel Oks and his wife Éméline. Doctor Frédéric Saldmann and his wife Marie were also photographed during this event. Professors Jean-Michel Oughourlian, Annelise Bennaceur-Griscelli and Ali Turhan were also present.

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