Patrick Bruel and Amanda Sthers: Their son Oscar celebrates his 19th birthday, great emotion and pretty photos

A beautiful tribute to his son hailed by Internet users, who did not fail to wish the teenager a happy birthday. Spanish actress Rossy de Palma also thought of her friend: “HB Oscar and to you too my dear Amandita“, she wrote. It must be said that it is also an anniversary for Amanda Sthers indeed: 19 years ago, the 44-year-old author became a mother for the first time, a role that has become essential for her.

Parents above all, Patrick Bruel and Amanda Sthers have managed to remain friends since their separation and despite the distance: shocked by the attacks of November 2015 in Paris, the novelist had decided to take her sons to live in the United States. A decision approved by Patrick Bruel, who multiplied the round trips to see his sons.

Two totally preserved young boys, who have never been publicized by their parents… but who knows, one day they may walk in their footsteps…

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