Patrick Bruel and Amanda Sthers parents: rare photo of their son Léon for his 17th birthday

Time flies at breakneck speed for Amanda Sthers and Patrick Bruel. And it is with immense love tinged with nostalgia that the moved mother had described her feelings in the face of Leon’s return to school, integrating the final class before the baccalaureate, the final year. “Watch him go to his first philosophy class in my rearview mirror, with a smile and try to slow down time…“, she had written on Instagram.

The eldest of the siblings is Oscar and he celebrated his 19th birthday a month ago. An event that his parents had also celebrated on Instagram. Since their divorce fifteen years ago, the singer and the novelist have continued to display their complicity and the harmony that governs their family, even if the couple is no longer.

Oscar and Léon’s parents, however, had to face a complicated ordeal: the installation of Amanda Sthers in the United States, which coincided with the trauma of the attacks of November 13, where she set up her production company cinematographic. However, the Atlantic divide is not insurmountable for this close-knit family. Patrick Bruel has accepted the departure of the mother of his children, he has reorganized his life to adapt to this new family geography, proof of the solidity of their ties.

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