Patrick Bruel accomplice with his son Léon, 17 years old: A beautiful photo which makes his ex Amanda Sthers react

It is in the United States, in Pacific Palisades precisely, that Patrick Bruel (63 years old) published his post, a superb photo where he poses with his legendary smile next to his child, whose face is carefully masked. The two boys of the interpreterSo look live on the other side of America, a move that coincided with the shock of the attacks of November 13, 2015. This is where the 44-year-old writer has also set up her production company.

However, the Atlantic divide is not insurmountable for this close-knit family. Patrick Bruel accepted the departure of the mother of his children, he reorganized his life to adapt to this new family geography, proof of the solidity of their links. Moreover, Amanda Sthers allowed herself a little joke in the commentary of this tender publication: “What a beautiful boy ! Her mother must be gorgeous!

Along with novelist, screenwriter, director and producer Amanda Sthers, he is also the father of Oscar, who celebrated his 19th birthday last month. The couple has been separated for fifteen years but has kept very good relations. Whether for their two children or for work. Indeed, a few days ago, they were reunited in Venice where the documentary was presented bonny that the two former lovers produced in collaboration.

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