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The former mayor of Levallois (Hauts-de-Seine), returns to the prison of Fleury-Mérogis (Essonne). The decision, taken at the end of the morning on Monday February 7, follows the revocation of his placement under an electronic bracelet.
The decision was confirmed to him Monday, February 7 in the morning. Patrick Balkany returns to prison immediately. The former mayor of Levallois-Perret (Hauts-de-Seine) was summoned at 10 a.m. to the gendarmerie brigade near his home in Eure, after his placement under an electronic bracelet was revoked. According to the public prosecutor of Évreux, his state of health was taken into account. He will have “24-hour medical follow-up, assures Dominique Puechmaille.
The Balkany spouses had been placed under an electronic bracelet in their property in Giverny (Eure) since March 2021, an adjustment to their sentence for tax evasion. But they did not keep all their commitments, including the repayment of their debts. Isabelle Balkany is still hospitalized. The date of his summons will depend on his state of health.