Patrice Evra makes another crazy joke …

He is one of the most followed French footballers on social networks and yet it has been a while since he played for a big club. At 40, Patrice Evra is as active as ever on Instagram, where he is followed by 8.6 million subscribers whom he feeds daily with photos and videos of his life. Former glory of Manchester United where he spent more than eight seasons, the former player of the France team is very popular with English fans. As he prepares to release his autobiography I love this game, the former sportsman is on a promotional tour all over England and he is currently in the city where he made himself known.

In a video he just posted on his Instagram account, Patrice Evra is in the middle of Manchester United’s legendary stadium, Old Trafford. The Dream Theater, as it is nicknamed, has been his home for several years and you can tell he feels good there. Delighted to be there, the father of three is in a joking mood, as is often the case. “Guys, you never believed me when I told you I ate the lawn”, he tells the camera before bending down to collect a few blades of grass. “Here is the proof”, continues the French, before putting the handful of grass in his mouth to swallow it!

“It tastes like garlic, but it’s okay”, jokes Patrice Evra, visibly a little disappointed. “Before, it tasted better and I’m not vegan”, he assures, before swinging his famous “I love this game”, followed by a slightly forced laugh. A video that pleased its subscribers since it has already been liked over 80,000 times in just a few hours.

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