Patrice Bergeron | An inspiration, from one generation to another

(Quebec) “I have admired him all my life. “He has a gift. “He’s so smart. “He really is an example for all young people. »

Posted at 8:59 p.m.

Katherine Harvey Pinard

Katherine Harvey Pinard
The Press

These four sentences came out of the mouths of four different players, Tuesday evening, behind the scenes of the Videotron Center, in Quebec. All described the same person: Patrice Bergeron.

A little over 24 hours earlier, the Quebec forward had formalized his return to the Boston Bruins for a 19e season. He agreed on the terms of a contract for a season worth 5 million, a salary considerably below what a player of his caliber could have asked for.

Bergeron has always been very clear: in the event of a return, it is in Boston that he would play, at all costs. In terms of loyalty, it’s hard to find better…

“Patrice tasted both generations: the old and the new. What he did, I hope other players will do the same eventually,” said Simon Gagné, co-organizer, with Bergeron, of the Pro-Am Gagné-Bergeron event.

“It shows the person he is and the leadership he has,” he continued. He is a captain who wants to win again in Boston. Doing this gives his organization the opportunity to perhaps get some missing elements from the Bruins to go far in the playoffs. »

An inspiration

Besides the fact that he remains one of the best center players – or simply a player – in the National League, the native of L’Ancienne-Lorette serves as a model for many young hockey players. By “young”, we mean 5 to 25 years old.

“When I saw that he had resigned for a 19e season, the fan in me was a little happy to see him back on the ice, launched Pierre-Luc Dubois. He signed for one season, but he’s still the most difficult player to face in the National League. I’m really happy to see that as a competitor. »

Dubois remembers facing Bergeron in the second round of the 2019 playoffs. Boston had the upper hand in six games. “A good challenge” from which Dubois learned a lot, he remembered, before going on with a series of praise for the Bruins captain.

“He’s so smart on ice. He knows where to go, when to go. He is always in the right place. […] He is a tick in front of everyone. He knows where I’m going to go even before I get there. Players like that are special players. »

Same story on the side of Phillip Danault, Jack Eichel and Alexis Lafrenière. None had to be prayed for to praise his counterpart. All praised his mental strength, his dedication and, of course, his talent.

“Pat is so impressive! exclaimed Danault. I train a little with him in the summer. He is on the mark, whether off the ice or on the ice. He does all the details. It’s a model for young players, but also for older ones. I’m surprised he’s still playing, but he’s so strong. »

“I take inspiration from him,” he continued. Her game both ways of the ice is impeccable and I think it’s with players like that that you can win. »

Jack Eichel, considered one of the most talented young center players on the Bettman circuit, grew up watching Bergeron in action. “I admired him all my life,” dropped the 25-year-old American, passing through Quebec for the event.

“When I saw he signed, I said to myself: shit, I’m still going to have to play against him! But now it’s just twice [par année], not like in Buffalo. The league is better with him, I’m really happy he’s still playing. »

“I still feel young”

Bergeron is well aware that most of the players he faces today grew up watching him play.

“Last year, at training camp, our first-round pick was a 2003. I was drafted in 2003…” he recalled with a smile.

“Of course, in that weather, it hits a little bit, as they say. It’s okay with me. I still feel young, despite the fact that many young people are in the team. »

Nobody knows how long Bergeron will still be there to inspire the players he meets, those he faces and those who watch him. If we only rely on the rate at which he produced last season, we would think that he will be in charge for a few more seasons.

As Phillip Danault puts it, “He could be strong until he’s 45 and beyond, but at some point it’s going to depend on how his body reacts. »

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