patients and staff encouraged to file complaints

Patients and staff members of the Corbeil-Essonnes hospital invited by the health establishment to file a complaint in the context of the cyberattack which occurred in August. They received a letter, sent from the end of September, which franceinfo was able to consult this Sunday, October 9.

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The Corbeil-Essonnes hospital has just contacted all of its patients and staff members by mail as part of the cyberattack it suffered this summer. In this letter, sent from September 28 and which franceinfo was able to consult this Sunday, October 9, the Sud Francilien hospital center encourages them to file a complaint for “willful unlawful disclosure of harmful personal data“. A “standard complaint“was attached to it.

The CHSF was the victim of cybercriminals on August 20, blocking the computer system of the establishment and stealing the medical and private data of patients and caregivers. A ransom of ten million dollars was demanded, then a million. Faced with the refusal of the CHSF, the data was disclosed from September 23.

The data in question is likely to relate to elements relating to identity information, social security number, contact data, as well as information relating to the health course.“, alerts in this document the hospital center which calls for the most “great vigilance” re “phishing risks”.

Mail recipients are therefore invited to change all their passwords online, to be extra vigilant in the face of SMS, emails and calls received. Finally among the recommendations is the filing of a complaint, “according to the methods indicated in the attached complaint letter to be addressed to the center for the fight against digital crimes“.

On Tuesday October 4, an investigation by the Radio France investigation unit had revealed the nature of the very confidential data which was disclosed by hackers on September 23 on the darknet.

These include nominative reports of colonoscopy, childbirth and gynecological examinations. Among the information, there is a request for an autopsy on a young patient who died in the hospital, but also a lot of examination requests for women with breast cancer, for example.

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