patient associations and groups of caregivers attack the State for “culpable deficiency”

“The situation is serious at the hospital, today we are forced to force the State to agree to us through legal proceedings”, says Laure Dorey, general delegate of the association “Children’s Liver Diseases”, Thursday, November 3 on France Culture. His association, two other patient associations, and three groups of caregivers attacked the French state, Wednesday, November 2, for “culpable deficiency”, reveals France Culture. This is a contentious appeal to the administrative court of Paris.

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“We intend to send a strong message to the State, to tell it that the hospital situation is absolutely catastrophic”alert Laure Dorey, for whom “patients can no longer be properly cared for in the hospital”. “We manage to treat in an emergency and therefore to treat badly”she continues.

The general delegate of the “Children’s Liver Diseases” association deplores the “real loss of chance” for patients some of whom “can no longer be taken care of”. “We have patients with chronic diseases who no longer have follow-up, who have serious, sometimes fatal complications, and who must be taken care of”, she adds.

Laure Dorey urges the State to act and warns: “Without action, without action taken quickly, the hospital will not be able to hold on”. “It is absolutely necessary that the State understands that caring for the population is one of the duties of the State”she concludes.

In a press release published this Thursday morning, the six public hospital defense associations denounce the government’s lack of response to the preliminary request they had already filed. last July “to enjoin the State to shoulder its responsibilities”. They point to the “permanent deficiencies”concerning in particular the rights of patients and carers who “are no longer insured“, and demand that these shortcomings be recognized. The collective demands “emergency” of the “regulatory decisions” for “redefining the patient-caregiver ratio” as well as an increase in the number of nurses, nursing auxiliaries and all the professionals involved in care.

The association Help for young diabetics (AJD), the Laurette-Fugain association, the Children’s liver disease association (Amfe), the Inter Hospitals Collective (CIH), the Inter Urgences Collective, the National coordination of the defense committees of local hospitals and maternity wards.

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