“Pathétique”, Paul of the “12 noon shots” smashes Jean-Luc Reichmann!

The former champion of “12 noon shots” is currently promoting his latest book “Welcome to my world” published by Harper Collins. An autobiographical book where Paul El Kharrat talks about his Aspeger disorders which have long made him feel different from the rest of society. Aged 23, the young man is now well known to the general public thanks to his 153 consecutive participations in the program “Les 12 coups de midi” on TF1 and his incredible sequences of responses revealing a very rich general culture. Admired and followed in number by viewers, Paul El Kharrat left the program by pocketing some 691,522 euros in various earnings, and was quickly noticed by a certain Laurent Ruquier then in search of new “Big heads” for RTL . Asked by “Télé Star” about his friendships in the world of TV, the “member”, who has never failed to speak frankly, admits bluntly: “For the moment, I cannot be friends with people . I am friends with a person, me”, he declares in this interview to be published on Monday, October 24. And concerning his relationship with the presenter of the TF1 show, he continues: “Why would I be friends with Jean-Luc Reichmann? We haven’t spoken to each other for nearly a year for all sorts of reasons that I won’t reveal. I have no direct or privileged contact with this man. Words that are both scathing and enigmatic against the person who embodies “Léo Mattei” on the first channel.

“I don’t want to be attached to anyone anymore. I belong to no one.”

But Paul El Kharrat does not grant Laurent Ruquier the same treatment, as he explains: “I am at the “Big Heads” regularly and I have also taken part in the holidays organized with the members. All this allowed me to have rapprochements with Laurent Ruquier that I never had with Jean-Luc Reichmann, with whom we never left the teacher-student relationship”. A complicity with the one who also hosts “Les Enfants de la télé” on France 2 who settled after two years of exchanges on the famous set of the flagship show of RTL. But the now author does not stop there concerning the program which revealed it to the general public and does not hesitate to swing: “It was a pathetic pseudo-family, a semblance of good relations between individuals. A kind of societal hypocrisy.” And affirms that he no longer wishes to participate in the special programs of “12 noon shots” where the “great masters” regularly return: “We are not on the trail of redemption, in effect. I don’t want to take another step towards an individual who has annoyed me for reasons that I prefer to keep quiet. I don’t want to be attached to anyone anymore. I don’t belong to anyone,” he concludes, visibly upset. With three best-selling books already to his credit, it is clear that Paul El Kharrat has found his new path as best-selling champion far from the TV game sets.

France Live

See also: Paul El Kharrat tried to end his life!

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