“Pathetic”, “serious fault” … Meghan and Harry back in London, an expert lets go live

Obélix from the people press, she fell into it when she was little and never really left the pot. His favorite pastime? Scan the social networks of stars to unearth clues about breakups or new couples still kept secret.

Opinions are mixed regarding Meghan Markle and Prince Harry. If some understand the decision to distance themselves from the royal family, others refuse to hear it. One of the BFM TV experts, mobilized for the second day of the jubilee, for example made it clear that they did not carry them in his heart.

The announcement of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s attendance at Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee was greeted as an event at the time. Nobody would have thought that the Sussex couple would make the trip for the 70 years of reign of the Sovereign, crowned on June 2, 1953. However, the parents of Lilibet and Archie took everyone by surprise by landing on British soil in full discretion. If they were not in the foreground on the balcony of Buckingham Palace for the Trooping the Color parade, they officially showed up for the first time at the thanksgiving mass given in St. Paul’s Cathedral in London. A vision that did not please everyone.

Jean des Cars, biographer of Elizabeth II asked to comment on the festivities of day 2 of the jubilee, did not hide the aversion he had for the Duchess of Sussex. The writer did not mince words when discussing the situation with Pascale de La Tour du Pin. “They multiplied the faults“, “Pathetic“, “Lilibet, the unfortunate, decked out with this name“… We were far from praising the Sussex family on the side of Jean des Cars. This virulence ended up making the host wink.

Pascale de la Tour du Pin took an interest in the cause of this palpable anger towards Meghan Markle and Prince Harry. Jean des Cars did not hesitate to answer and evoke a “media provocation” incessant and thankless. He made particular reference to what he calls “the Oprah Winfrey affair“, or the very charged interview against the Windsor clan granted by the couple to the American journalist. To see them return as if nothing had happened after so much indelicacy and attacks on the part of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle knocks it out of its hinges.

It’s really… Wanting to smash everything, Americanize everything the wrong way with a single character, the queen! Since the time she has been there, it’s still a little hard when you know that the sovereign has done everything to facilitate, to welcome Meghan and Harry, to help them etc…“Jean des Cars was not the only one to have a hard tooth against the parents of Lilibet and Archie. When they arrived on the forecourt of the cathedral, the cries of joy were mixed with the discontent of some very angry people in the We reap what we sow…

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