Paternity research | Alain Delon’s DNA requested from Swiss justice

(Geneva) The daughter of Ari Boulogne, whose paternity Alain Delon never acknowledged, asked the Geneva courts to appoint experts to collect Alain Delon’s DNA, her lawyer said on Friday.

“I confirm that I have filed the request for superprovisional measures,” declared Mr.e Saskia Ditisheim, to AFP, confirming information published in the Tribune de Genève.

A superprovisional measure is a judicial measure under Swiss law which can be pronounced if the urgency of the situation requires it, for example if evidence is in danger or risks disappearing.

It is a question of establishing “an expertise to take the DNA of Alain Delon” in order to be able to determine if it is his “grandfather”, she added, indicating that the daughter of ‘Ari Boulogne was also represented by her French lawyer, Me Richard Sedillot.

The lawyer for the girl, 16, explained that the request had been filed with the Civil Court of First Instance in Geneva, because that is where Alain Delon “resides” according to the Geneva population register.

Me Ditisheim believes that the court should rule “quickly” in the coming days, after determining whether it has jurisdiction or not before responding on the merits.

In September 2021, French justice confirmed on appeal that it was “territorially incompetent” to judge a request for recognition of paternity addressed by Ari Boulogne to the actor Alain Delon, due to his place of residence, located in Switzerland.

Born in August 1962, Ari Boulogne, whose real name is Christian Boulogne, was found lifeless in May 2023, at the age of 60.

Alain Delon has never acknowledged the paternity of Ari Boulogne, son of the German singer Nico of the Velvet Underground with whom he had a brief affair in the 1960s. As a child, Ari was, however, raised by Alain’s own mother Delon, Édith Boulogne, whose name it bears.

The two men crossed paths on several occasions, such as in 1986 when the actor told him “You don’t have my eyes, you don’t have my hair, you are not my son, you will never be my son” , reported Ari in Release.

Having fallen into drugs, the photographer had several stays in psychiatric hospitals and detoxification treatments.

Alain Delon, 88, who suffered a stroke in 2019, also suffers from lymphoma (cancer of the lymphatic system).

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