Pastry shop “The 4 seasons” rue Carnot in Pau is the epiphany today!

Today is Epiphany even if the galette des rois has been available since January 1 Stephane Bonin and Camille Sere follow the traditions and the seasons to the letter for them it is very important. Christmas, Epiphany, Candlemas, Easter…. so many good reasons to follow all these traditions which mark the year.

To reheat a galette des rois: the oven at 180 ° / thermostat 6 once at temperature, turn it off and place the galette in the middle of the oven for 4 to 5 minutes no more! That’s a tip from our guest.

Since 2017 at the pastry shop “Les 4 Saisons” Camille Séré and Stéphane Bonin have been showing us their know-how and doing well with basic quality products. The candied fruits of the brioche crown are homemade and of course the delicious “Parisienne” with this almond taste and its delicate puff pastry also, available until January 31 and in all sizes! We are impatiently awaiting candlelight on February 2 to find the traditional pancake cake available all year round on order at the pastry shop “Les 4 Saisons” 37 rue Carnot in

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