Pastadiu, 100% Landes pasta made in Castelnau-Chalosse

It’s a brilliant idea that Guillaume Lapeyre had from the Ferme du Vieux Chêne in Castelnau-Chalosse. Make pasta with wheat grown on the farm. Ah, at first we didn’t all agree on the farm, corn had to make room for wheat since in the family we are above all a specialist in duck and a recognized farm inn. And then finally Guillaume convinced everyone and everyone got involved. What a godsend for consumers in the Landes who can now taste these wonderful Pastadiu, our local pasta!

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Semi-complete milling wheat from Pibrac

A noble wheat to make these Pastadiu. Quality wheat for quality pasta! Semi-complete Pibrac miller wheat grown on site, transformed into flour (semi-complete and complete) with the millstone of the farm. It is then the machines that enter the dance to develop shells, macaroni, fusilli and rooster combs. Ingredients? “Flour, water and lots of love” reads on the packaging. By re-listening to today’s program, Guillaume details the entire manufacturing process.

Guillaume Lapeyre’s Pastadiu, pasta made on the farm in Castelnau-Chalosse, the Vieux Chêne farm. © Radio France

Where to find Pastadiu?

At the farm of course, every Saturday morning at the on-site shop. 5 euros 50 per kilo or in bulk at 4 euros 50 per kilo. And to find the resellers near you, go to the Facebook page of Pastadiu!

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