Passport Canada, check your envelopes please!

Last January, I received two envelopes at home from Passport Canada.

The first was addressed to my daughter. Passport Canada returned my daughter’s birth certificate to me, which allowed us to apply for her application.

Nothing abnormal at this time. This is the procedure, the passport followed a few weeks later.

However, there was a second envelope. For what?


I open the second letter, because it was also addressed to my daughter. What a surprise!

The envelope contained documents from a resident of Edmonton, Alberta. Several important papers such as birth certificate and papers concerning his Canadian citizenship.

Quickly, I understand that this is a serious mistake and that I had to report everything to the Service Canada office in Gatineau.

Once there, I explain the situation to the receptionist. The lady doesn’t seem too surprised, but she tells me to take a seat in the waiting room.


I just came to carry documents that are not mine. I didn’t really feel like waiting.

45 minutes later I saw an attendant who didn’t find the situation very funny. His eyes were as big as two dollars.

After a chat with his manager, he thanks me and tells me that everything will be returned to the right person. Fortunately!

other cases

I thought this situation was unique, but no! Featured in Quebec newspaperMonday, it is clear that other people have experienced the same situation as mine.

It is very concerning that a federal office like Service Canada makes such egregious errors with private information.

It may seem trivial, but managers need to make sure it doesn’t happen again.

Because I am not convinced that everyone is ready to take their precious time to report the documents and correct Service Canada’s errors.

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