Passport and identity card: still too long delays


Video length: 1 min.


Article written by

D. Tanchereau, R. Duroselle, B. Vidal – France 3

France Televisions

In France, we are still far from the promise of Elisabeth Borne, who wants to halve the time required to obtain identity papers. A promise that annoys some elected officials, as in Neuilly-Plaisance, in Seine-Saint-Denis.

In the town hall of Neuilly-Plaisance (Seine-Saint-Denis)to redo your identity card or passport, it’s very simple, you have to be patient. “Currently, our first date is October 19, so a delay of more than six months”says Martine lamaurtfirst deputy mayor of Neuilly-Plaisance. Here, only one agent sbusy identity documents. In France, we are still far from the promise of Elisabeth Borne, who wants to halve the time required to obtain identity papers.

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To save time, a Parisian did not hesitate to go to Melun (Seine et Marne). We don’t necessarily have an appointment right away, so it’s true that I preferred to do it in Melun”she says. On Internetthe hunt is on to find an available slot in another municipality. A congestion that Elisabeth Borne wants to reduce to only 30 days this summer.

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