Passion hanging plants | The duty

This text is part of the special book Plaisirs

Your shelves and furniture are full of plants and you don’t know where to put the next ones? The trend of hanging plants could well help you expand your collection even further! By attaching pots to the wall or ceiling, you can optimize the space while adding greenery in unusual places. These plant suggestions are perfect for this method.

Plants proven and adopted

1. Philodendron Brazil (PhilodendronhederaceumBrazil). Philodendrons are renowned for their exceptional foliage and their ease of maintenance. This one has beautiful heart-shaped leaves. Although it grows rather quickly, it prunes easily and retains its attractive hanging habit. It thrives in moderate light, although it tolerates low light (expect less showy foliage). To water it, wait for the soil to dry slightly and avoid excess. Essential in a planter, the philodendron is also often found in green walls.

2. English ivy (Hedera helix variegata). The diversity of ivy has made it a popular plant for a long time. Sometimes trailing, sometimes climbing, it is resilient and easy to grow. Its shades of green with accents of yellow and white add panache to any decor. Ivy adapts to all light conditions and can therefore be hung almost anywhere in your home. Be careful to keep it away from direct heat sources and very dry rooms, as it is a favorite prey of spider mites. Small bonus: this plant purifies and depollutes the surrounding air!

3. Pgolden othos (Epipremnum aureum/Scindapsus aureus*). Extra popular in garden centres, pothos can be used almost everywhere: pots, arrangements, green walls, planters… This tropical plant is versatile and easy to maintain. You just have to let the soil dry between each watering and avoid excess water. It will do well in low light, but prefers good light. Be careful though, its sap is toxic: it is better to suspend the Pothos well away from animals and children.

* Attention, the pothos and the scindapsus are often mixed up when marketing. Although they are different genres, the two names are sometimes interchanged.

The little news

4. dolphin plant (Senecio peregrinus). Popular groundsels have spectacular foliage that comes in many forms. Known as the string of dolphins because of its blue-green leaves and unusual shape, this succulent is easy to care for. It is placed in a small pot, inside a well-lit room. A cactus potting mix and well-drained soil will suit it perfectly. All that remains is to water it when the soil dries out. It is also a slow growing plant, ideal for hanging!

5.SCindapsus Sterling Silver (Scindapsus treubii ‘Moonlight’). With its striking silver foliage, the new kid from Costa Farms is sure to find its place in your decor. Sterling silver scindapsus is slow growing and easy to cultivate. To make the most of its bright foliage, it is better to give it good light. However, it will survive in less light. Be careful not to water it too much! The soil should be allowed to dry out before the next watering. This plant is hung high away from animals and children, as its sap is slightly toxic.

6. Twisted Hoya (Hohya carnosa compacta). The twisted hoya has completely curved leaves, giving them the appearance of rope. Collectors adore these fascinating plants which come in many unique styles and colors. They love bright light, but are resilient enough to tolerate lower lighting. Then expect very slow growth. We avoid giving them too much water while waiting for the soil to dry between each watering and we give them a rather tight pot. Occasionally, your plant will surprise you by covering itself with pretty pink flowers!

This special content was produced by the Special Publications team of the Duty, pertaining to marketing. The drafting of Duty did not take part.

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