File: The Walkman of the summer: on the roads of Lorraine!
Every morning, follow France Bleu Lorraine’s summer walker through its discoveries of Lorraine’s heritage. From Forbach to Neufchâteau, via Toul or Commercy, Metz, Nancy, Epinal or Bar-Le-Duc, find Nicolas Bill all morning on the roads of Lorraine.
– Nicholas Bill
Monday August 15, 2022: At the Maraîchère fairy in Hagondange, then at the Montgolfiades in Maizières-lès-Metz!
– Nicholas Bill
Tuesday, August 16, 2022: Wake up at the covered market in Nancy, followed by a visit to the Klap Klap festival and a tour of the Brasserie des Grô in Maxéville!
– Nicholas Bill
Wednesday August 17, 2022: Nicolas Bill is passing through Ochey, at the Coquille du Gourmet, at Dominique’s who raises snails, then continues his way to the Fort de Villey-le-Sec as well as to the Domaine de l’Ambroisie in Toul :
– Nicholas Bill
Thursday August 18, 2022: In Varangeville is the last Salt Mine still in operation in France, 40 miners descend there every day! In St Nicolas de Port, a team of volunteers offers visits to the cinema and photography museum. And at the Vegafruits cooperative, 200 mirabelle plum producers gather their yellow gold there:
– Nicholas Bill