pass of arms between Gérald Darmanin and Jean-Luc Mélenchon

“The police kill and the factious group Alliance [syndicat de police] justifies shooting and death for ‘failure to comply’. When is the shame?”, tweeted the leader of the Insoumis, making the Minister of the Interior and part of the opposition jump.

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Gérald Darmanin denounced, Monday, June 6, the “insults” of Jean-Luc Mélenchon against the police, three of whom are in police custody in Paris for having killed the passenger of a car during a check on Saturday and seriously injured the driver.

“The police kill and the factious group Alliance [syndicat de police] justifies shooting and death for ‘failure to comply’. Shame is when?tweeted the leader of La France insoumise on the night of Sunday to Monday, a week before the first round of the legislative elections.

“Another unacceptable abuse of power. The death penalty for refusing to comply. The prefect approves? The minister congratulates? When is the shame?”he had already written earlier on the same social network.

“The police, the gendarmes deserve respect. They do a courageous, difficult job and risk their lives at every moment. Insulting them dishonors those who want to govern. Let the investigations be done without using them as hostages of an electoral campaign”replied the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin.

Marine Le Pen for her part denounced the words “incredibly serious” by Jean-Luc Melenchon, “a few days from his political retirement”.

“He therefore chooses dishonor by breaking definitively with the values ​​of the French Republic”added the leader of the National Rally. “These are words unworthy of someone who claims to want to govern France”reacted for his part Stéphane Le Foll, socialist mayor of Le Mans and former minister of François Hollande.

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