Pascale Nadeau sues Radio-Canada | The duty

Pascale Nadeau is suing her former employer, Radio-Canada, for the sum of $350,000 for damage to her reputation, several Quebec media reported Monday evening.

Ms. Nadeau had left Radio-Canada, where she worked for 38 years, in difficult circumstances in the summer of 2021. The public broadcaster had first announced that she had “recently informed the information management of her intention to retire this fall.

The one who was the anchor of the “Téléjournal weekend” for years had however published an open letter in The sun where she claimed to have been the victim of a “disciplinary drift” following an “anonymous” complaint.

Ms. Nadeau had been suspended for one month without pay on February 17, 2021 following an investigation triggered by an anonymous complaint for “inappropriate behavior”. She then went on disability leave and did not return to the air afterwards.

The Radio-Canada Workers’ Union filed a grievance on February 25, 2021 regarding this disciplinary suspension, described by Ms. Nadeau as a “retaliatory measure”, “abuse of rights” and an attack on her ” integrity “. The union then amended the grievance to add that Ms. Nadeau had “been the victim of a constructive dismissal” and to demand her reinstatement.

In February 2022, however, the arbitration tribunal ruled that she had not been forced to retire, nor was she the victim of “constructive dismissal” from her former employer.

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