Pascale Nadeau sues Radio-Canada for damage to her reputation

Pascale Nadeau is now suing Radio-Canada for the sum of $350,000 for “false and defamatory remarks” by her former employer, nearly a year after her controversial departure.

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“Radio-Canada deliberately undermined the dignity, integrity, honor and reputation of Ms. Nadeau by broadcasting false and defamatory statements about her for the sole purpose of protecting her reputation” , can we read in the motion filed Monday in Superior Court.

In a copy of the court document that the Log obtained, the ex-head of antenna claims first that the state company pays him $ 250,000 for “his abusive, illegal and culpable conduct in violation”.

Ms. Nadeau is also asking that Radio-Canada be ordered to pay her $100,000 in damages for having harmed her dignity, honor and reputation.

“Unleashed” on her

Me Caroline Biron, one of the two lawyers from the Woods firm representing Pascale Nadeau, told the Log that Radio-Canada was surely anticipating this lawsuit.

“You cannot tarnish the reputation of employees who have been faithful and loyal like her all these years. […] Radio-Canada was really unleashed on Ms. Nadeau after the publication of her version of the facts on her resignation in the daily The sun», Mentions the plaintiff’s lawyer.

More details will follow.

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