Pascal Praud smashes Léa Salamé and accuses her of “complicity” in the case between C8 and Hanouna and Minister Rima Abdul Malak!

The Minister of Culture suspected that such a statement would cause a reaction. Indeed, Rima Abdul Malak was invited by Léa Salamé on France Inter this Thursday, February 9. The opportunity for her to discuss the Louis Boyard / Cyril Hanouna affair and the sanction imposed by Arcom on the channel C8. A sanction following the huge clash between the deputy and the host of TPMP on November 10, 2022. In evoking this affair, the Minister of Culture also took the opportunity to threaten, half-word, the CNEWS and C8 channels .

“I am in my role when I recall the existing framework. There are channels which have free frequencies in exchange for certain obligations which they must respect”she first recalled, referring to the channels mentioned and Cyril Hanouna, before specifying: “These obligations, you just have to read them. They are in the law. They are very clear. all points of view that may be controversial”. Subsequently, Rima Abdul Malak recalled that Arcom’s role is to “take stock of these obligations”. Thus, it must “verify that they have been respected, in order to be able to assess whether the renewal of the frequency is justified or not”.

The opportunity for Léa Salamé to react: “C8 and CNews could lose their frequency?”. “There are obligations to respect! There have already been around twenty interventions by Arcom since 2019 for C8 and CNews. After how many interventions will Arcom be able to say, to such a degree, that the obligations are not respected?, replied the minister, to make it clear that the channels in question should perhaps change the way they operate. This Friday, February 10, in Time for the pros, Pascal Praud therefore wished to react to these statements. But above all, accuse Léa Salamé of being an “accomplice” of the “threats” made.

Pascal Praud, disappointed with the way of interviewing Léa Salamé

“Let’s say it! Our interviewer friends (Léa Salamé and Nicolas Demorand: editor’s note) are complicit in this (risks that C8 and CNEWS will lose their frequency: editor’s note)!”he dropped before adding, to support his arguments: “We do not question France Inter Mrs. Abdul Malak as we obviously question other personalities, whom I will not mention”. For Pascal Praud, the critical eye, “we keep it to ourselves”. A way to make it clear that he did not validate at all the way in which Léa Salamé questioned Rima Abdul Malak.

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