Pascal Obispo soon to have a hair transplant? The singer answers cash!

Pascal Obispo is back on the music scene with a new pop rock album called The Raining Beauty and scheduled for release on September 15, 2023. On this occasion, the artist confided in an exclusive interview in the columns of the Journal du Dimanche.

Our colleagues also speak of a record “placing the text and the melody at the center of the subject” and that one “which has always oscillated between rock and variety finds a beautiful balance with hit promises”.

Ludovic Perrin, the journalist behind the interview then recalls that the discovery of music is linked to the move caused by his parents’ divorce and asks Pascal Obispo if his destiny would have been different without that. The singer then responds: “Yes, I probably would have become a basketball coach. I didn’t live long enough with my father to provide a real analysis, but I suppose that music played a role as a father substitute”.

Pascal Obispo cash on his possible use of hair implants

Pascal Obispo explains what composing for others brings him. “Being a popular singer has always been a bit complicated for me. Maybe my rock culture prevents me from immersing myself in it 100%. My punk side is still there, in the basement, and it comes to hit me the shoulder […] My Robert Smith side has never left me. Without the hair, of course!”.

The opportunity for the journalist to ask him if he plans to “add more” (hair). Julie Hantson’s ex-husband then responds bluntly: “Oh, did I say that? Do you have a problem with bald people?!”.

Also, Pascal Obispo talks about his intention to resume the musical The ten Commandments but also the fact that he composed two other shows around the Bible, “Adam and Eve” and “Jesus”. “It’s my culture, my history. I have a Judeo-Christian education and I claim it. I am not in favor of erasing the past or constantly rewriting it as social networks constantly invite us to do. I am in favor of keeping the statues, whatever they may be, respecting the integrity of the books whatever they may be..


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