Pascal Obispo plays it sexy daddy in front of his gigantic swimming pool!

The storm before the calm. Of course, the true phrase remains “The calm before the storm”, but as far as Pascal Obispo is concerned, the first corresponds perfectly to his situation. Indeed, a few days ago, the one who would have separated from Julie Hantson, lived a real hell while he was in Cap Ferret. For several weeks, a gigantic fire has ravaged part of the Gironde and in particular the place where the artist was, before finally being fixed. At the heart of this chaos, the singer shared a very distressing snapshot on his Instagram account. A snapshot to show the horror that reigned in the region, still ravaged by flames when he was there.

“Small photo of yesterday in Cap Ferret a vision of Interstellar under the thick layer of smoke from the fire. How to express what we feel today as a child of the Arcachon basin”, he wrote in the caption of a snapshot in which he barely appeared, surrounded by an orange background caused by the fires close to his position. A few days later, Pascal Obispo was more reassuring by posting a new photo, this time in a more natural setting. Glasses on his nose, and finally trees around him, the artist let it be known that all was well on his side. “The Calm After the Fire”reassured the interpreter of fell for herbefore making a funny announcement.

Still so sexy, even at 57

While he had just been through hell, he nevertheless took the opportunity to promote his platform. “Here are the new #obispoallaccess: Opening of 2 new albums with ‘I counted’ (Album Obispo Flamenco Vol.3) and ‘La machine’ (album Obispo Jazz Sessions/Max Pinto Sextet. Vol 2) […]. Have a good weekend”he announced on Instagram.

This Saturday, July 30, the hell of the fires seems to have been definitively forgotten. Pascal Obispo is finally taking advantage of the fine weather, far from the chaos, to take some time for himself and really rest. He was just posting a new snapshot of himself, shirtless by the pool, to show that, even at 57 and freshly single, he had it all. “How beautiful”, “Pascal you are sublime”, “So caliente”dropped some of his followers.

See also: “Here, it’s over”, Pascal Obispo moves his fans with a major announcement concerning his musical career!


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