Pascal Leclaire, the first “victim” of Alexander Ovechkin

Pascal Leclaire had managed to carve out a position with the Columbus Blue Jackets to start the 2005-2006 season. In his first start of the campaign, he met Alexander Ovechkin, who scored his first career NHL goal.

• Read also: A hat trick and 800 goals for “Ovi”

• Read also: Who are Alexander Ovechkin’s favorite targets?

During this evening of October 5, 2005, the Russian was on his first outings in the NHL. It hadn’t been long before he sparkled.

“There was a buzz around him, remembers Pascal Leclaire. We knew him by name. We knew it was going to be good.

“For my part, it was the first season that I started in the NHL. I had my things to think about before Ovechkin. I only knew he was an offensive player.

During his first appearance on the ice in the Bettman circuit, the rookie had hit one of the Blue Jackets defenders. The bay window had fallen under the force of the impact.

“We were in Washington and the cabin blew up. There was a lot of atmosphere.”

Then, the long-awaited moment came in the second period. Ovi’s teammates took advantage of a turnover in the offensive zone before handing him the puck. He immediately drew to beat Leclaire with a slap shot.

“He had set the tone for his team, adds Leclaire. We felt during this match that he was going to become a special player. He had been dominant during his first sequences on the ice.

Cheat to stop it

During his career, Ovechkin scored several goals with his cannonballs. Even if the opposing teams knew his habits, they couldn’t stop him.

On certain evenings, the guards did not know where to turn. Is it possible to neutralize a power attacker like him?

“The more you face him, the more you try to find ways to stop him,” said Leclaire. I played it more aggressively than the other mavericks. I knew his mentality was to shoot.

“I was cheating a bit. I played more the shot than the pass.

According to the former keeper, Ovechkin is in a class of his own on many levels.

“He’s one of the best players I’ve seen to use a defender as a screen. It’s something. His throw often went between the legs of the defender or beside him. He takes off so quickly.

“His throw, it goes to the post. He and Steven Stamkos are in a class of their own. They are very good at being forgotten. Ovechkin’s throw is powerful and heavy. It’s in the top 5 best shots I’ve faced.”

A train on ice

Leclaire remembers an anecdote with Ovechkin. The Quebecer was defending the net of the Ottawa Senators during this game. Both teams were in overtime.

“Ovi showed up in a two-on-one situation. I knew he was going to aim for the top of the net. He missed his shot and the puck went between my legs.

“I really looked like a toto. We looked at each other and he knew he had missed his shot. He had been a bit lucky. He scored and we lost the match.

Leclaire believes the Russian striker has a chance of breaking Wayne Gretzky’s record 894 goals.

“It’s a train and it’s shaped like a bear. He has natural physical strength. He was able to find consistency.

“If he stays healthy and the Caps continue to have good teams, it’s doable.”

It was Marc-André Fleury who was Ovechkin’s favorite target during his career. He scored 25 goals in 44 games against the Quebecer. Henrik Lundqvist (24), Carey Price (22) and Kari Lehtonen (22) also had difficult nights against the Russian czar.

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