Pascal, fisherman, wants to be entitled to a pension



France Televisions

Article written by

L. Vogel, E. Delevoye, A. Boulet, N. Lachaud, L. Dartigues – franceinfo

France Televisions

Pascal Delacour is 52 years old and works as a fisherman in the Channel. He wants better remuneration for his work, despite the difficulties caused by Brexit.

A fisherman in Granville (Manche), Pascal Delacour, 52, went scallop fishing that day. He explains that with low tide, “we’re stuck for at least 8 hours, we can’t go back. Once you’re gone, you’re gone“Brexit has changed a lot of things for him.”When the Minister, Ms. Girardin, comes to the ports saying ‘we’re going to give you money to break up your businesses, and you’ll change jobs’, I find that so scandalous. Do you call that negotiation? Do you get paid to change jobs?

Pascal Delacour, who defines himself as being of center-right, wants “create a social divide between those who work and those who do not work” by raising wages. Those employees who do not intend to vote in the presidential election? He understands them:when we talk about extending the retirement age (…), being fishing at 55… Do you see the conditions? When you worked 38 years in there, you are rinsed. A fisherman does not live very long after his retirement.

“My voice counts” is a series of reports that give voice to citizens. The franceinfo channel 27 reporting teams crisscrossed the territories to meet the French people in order to question them about their concerns and expectations vis-à-vis politics and in particular presidential candidates.

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